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Photography Game Of Thrones

Photography Game Of Thrones - If you're a Game of Thrones fan and also into photography, you can have the best of both worlds. Whether you're a professional photographer, a beginner, or just an enthusiast, there's a lot you can learn from the photography of Game of Thrones.

How To Take Game Of Thrones-Inspired Portraits


  1. Choose a location that looks like a set from Game of Thrones, like a castle or a medieval-looking town.
  2. Play with light and shadows. Use a single light source to create dramatic effects.
  3. Use props that are reminiscent of Game of Thrones. Swords, armor, and fur cloaks are good examples.


You can create individual portraits of your friends or family members as Game of Thrones characters, or you can create a group portrait. You can also stage a scene that looks like it's straight out of the show, like a battle or a feast.

How To:

Start by thinking about which Game of Thrones characters you want to portray. You can choose characters from any season, or you can mix and match. Next, choose a location that fits the theme of the characters you've chosen. For example, if you're recreating scenes with the Starks, you might choose a forested location. If you're recreating scenes with the Lannisters, you might choose a castle or a grand estate. Once you've chosen your location, set up your lighting to create the desired mood. Use one light to cast interesting shadows on your subjects. Finally, add your props and start shooting!

Game Of Thrones-Inspired Portrait

Photography of Game of Thrones Book


  1. If you want to learn more about the photography of Game of Thrones, consider picking up the book.
  2. Pay attention to the lighting and composition of the photos in the book.
  3. Study the different locations used in the show and the ways in which they were photographed.


You can use the photography of Game of Thrones book as a source of inspiration for your own photos. Try to recreate some of the photos in the book in your own shoots, or use the book as a guide for locations.

How To:

If you're interested in learning more about the photography of Game of Thrones, start by picking up the book by Helen Sloan and Michael Kogge. Study the book carefully, paying attention to the lighting, composition, and locations used in the show. Make note of any techniques or settings used in the photos that you want to try in your own work. Then, start experimenting! Try photographing at different times of day or in different types of weather to create different moods in your photos.

Photography of Game of Thrones Book

Game of Thrones - The Photography


  1. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, a book about the photography of the show makes for a great addition to your collection.
  2. Use the book as a guide for creating your own Game of Thrones-inspired photos.
  3. Pick out locations from the show and try visiting them to recreate scenes and capture the essence of the series.


The Game of Thrones - The Photography book can inspire you to create your own photos set in the Game of Thrones universe. You can use the book as a guide for locations or for mood and composition. Additionally, you can use the book for cosplay inspiration, creating authentic costumes and props from characters in the show and then taking photos in character.

How To:

To use the Game of Thrones - The Photography book for inspiration, start by going through the book and looking at the different locations and scenes featured. Next, choose a location from the show that you'd like to recreate, and visit that location if possible. If it's not possible to visit the location, you can still study the photos in the book and try to replicate the mood and composition in your own photos. Additionally, the book can be used as a source of inspiration for cosplay. Choose a character from the show that you want to cosplay, create an authentic costume and props, and then capture photos in character, using the book as a reference.

Game of Thrones - The Photography

Photography of Game of Thrones Book by Helen Sloan, Michael Kogge


  1. If you want to appreciate the photography of the Game of Thrones show, the book is a great place to start.
  2. Pay attention to the different ways in which the photos are composed, lit and framed.
  3. Get inspiration for color schemes, costumes and props that you can use in your own photoshoots, particularly within a medieval or fantasy theme.


The photography of Game of Thrones book can be your guide to creating your own extraordinary and fantastical worlds in your photos. You can bring the magic of the show into everyday photography setting or recreate specific scenes and characters with lovely costumes and props.

How To:

To use the photography of Game of Thrones book to inspire your own photos, start by studying the different photos in the book and paying attention to things like lighting, framing and composition. You can also study the different locations and the way that the show is filmed in order to get ideas for your own photoshoots. Take inspiration from the color schemes and character costumes and props to create your own Game of Thrones-inspired scenes. The possibilities are endless!

Photography of Game of Thrones Book by Helen Sloan, Michael Kogge

Game of Thrones - The Photography


  1. If you're looking for stunning photos from the Game of Thrones series, look no further than the Game of Thrones - The Photography book.
  2. The book is perfect for fans of the show looking for inspiration for their own photos and costumes.
  3. The book can be a great way to get to know the series from a new perspective, by looking at it through the eyes of the show's photographer.


You can use the Game of Thrones - The Photography book for inspiration in many ways. You can use it as a guide for creating your own Game of Thrones-inspired photos, or you can use it for inspiration when creating costumes and props for cosplay. Additionally, you can study the book in order to get a new perspective on the show and appreciate it in a new way.

How To:

To use the Game of Thrones - The Photography book for inspiration, start by studying the different photos in the book and paying attention to things like lighting, framing, and composition. You can also use the book as a guide for creating your own photos set in the Game of Thrones universe. Finally, you can use the book as a source of inspiration for cosplay, recreating costumes and props from the show and then taking photos in character. Whatever you do, you're sure to be inspired by the stunning photos in the book!

Game of Thrones - The Photography

Overall, the photography of Game of Thrones has a lot to offer to photographers of all levels. Whether you're looking for inspiration, tips, or simply a new perspective on the show, there are plenty of resources available to you. So don't hesitate to dive in and start exploring the world of Game of Thrones photography - you never know where it might take you.

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