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E Commerce Website Designs

E Commerce Website Designs - they’re a fickle beast. How do you make something that’s not just functional, but also pretty? Here are some inspiring examples to get your creative juices flowing (or, you know, just copy them exactly because who has time for creativity?).

What is A Good Website Design for E-commerce Businesses?

Tip #1: Make it visually appealing

Let’s be real. No one wants to shop on a website that looks like it was made in 1999. Invest in good design that’s easy on the eyes. Use colors that don’t hurt to look at, and make sure your fonts are legible.

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Tip #2: Make it easy to navigate

Have you ever been to a website and couldn’t find what you were looking for? Yeah, that’s not good. Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Use clear and concise categories, and make sure your search bar is prominent.

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Tip #3: Make it mobile friendly

More and more people are shopping on their phone. Don’t alienate a portion of your potential customers by having a website that doesn’t work well on mobile. Test your website on different devices to make sure it’s user-friendly on all screens.

E-commerce website development

30 Creative E-commerce Website Design Examples for Your Inspiration - #1

Tip #4: Make it speedy

No one has time to wait for your website to load. Make sure your website is optimized for speed. Compress your images, minimize your code, and use a content delivery network (CDN) to make sure your website loads quickly from anywhere in the world.

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30 Creative E-commerce Website Design Examples for Your Inspiration - #2

Tip #5: Make it secure

Customers want to feel safe while shopping online. Make sure your website is secure by using HTTPS and displaying trust badges. Also, make sure your website is PCI compliant if you’re storing credit card information.

E-commerce website design example #2

And there you have it, folks. The secret to making a killer e-commerce website. Now, I have to go copy one of these designs exactly because I have no creativity. See ya!

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